It is a very good idea to come for a massage before it hurts! For a first massage ever or after a really long time 45-60min is a good "basic" appointment to begin with. If you want us to treat more than one area during one massage book preferably 75min or longer (e.g. legs+back or arms+ back needs about 75min). For a full body massage I recommend to take minimum 90min.
If you are not sure what time is suitable for you just contact me!
Coming for a massage? After booking your appointment you can fill out the preliminary information form before coming if you want to.
Hakaniemenkatu 9
5 min walk from Hakaniemi Metro station
According to bookings
Credit/Debit card
Smartum Massage Benefit
Eazybreak Wellbeing Benefit
ePassi Wellbeing
Mobile Pay
I hope to see you soon!